Pharmaceuticals: Therapeutic Class

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Aciclovir Cream/Eye Ointment
Apraclonidine Eye Drops
Atropine Eye Drops
Betaxolol HCl Eye Drops
Brimonidine Eye Drops
Chloramphenicol Eye Drops
Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment
Chlortetracycline Eye Ointment
Ciprofloxacin Eye Ointment
Ciprofloxacin HCl Eye Drops
Dexamethasone + Neomycin Eye Drops
Dexamethasone Eye Drops
Diclofenac Sodium Eye Drops
Dipivefrin HCl Eye Drops
Erythromycin Gel/Solution/Eye Ointment
Fluorometholone Eye Drops
Flurbiprofen Sodium Eye Drops
Ganciclovir Eye Gel
Gentamicin Sulfate Eye Drops
Hydrocortisone Cream/Ointment/Lotion
Ketorolac + HPMC Eye Drops
Levofloxacin Eye Drops
Moxifloxacin Eye Drops
Norfloxacin Eye Drops
Ofloxacin Eye Drops
Polyvinyl Alcohol Eye Drops
Sodium Cromoglicate Eye Drops
Sulfacetamide Eye Drops
Taurine Eye Drops
Tetracycline HCl Eye Ointment
Timolol Maleate Eye Drops
Tobramycin Eye Drops
Tobramycin Eye Ointment
Tropicamide Eye Drops
Pharmaceutical manufacturer of tablets, capsules, injections, suspensions, creams, drops.


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  • 14001
    Environmental Management
  • 45001
    Occupational Health and Safety


  • GMP
  • ISO
  • FSC
  • COA
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  • CTD Dossier
  • Site Master File
  • Bioequivalence (BE) Studies

Manufacturing Locations

  • China, India, United States
*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.
A doctor providing details on the wide product range of pharma company AdvaCare Pharma.

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See why we are a leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.

AdvaCare is able to leverage raw materials, cost-effective processes and human resources to provide one of the most complete pharmaceutical ranges, competitive pricing and unmatched support, while always ensuring quality, accuracy and consistency.

Dr. D. Miller

Medical Advisory Board

What is the meaning of Ophthalmologicals?

Ophthalmologicals are medications used to treat disorders of the eye and surrounding structures. Ophthalmology drugs are efficient in treating various eye conditions such as infections, inflammation, dry eyes, glaucoma, and allergies. They can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and lower intraocular pressure.

Ophthalmologicals such as eye ointments are applied directly to the eye or surrounding tissues. Some side effects or overuse of eye drops and other eye medicines can cause adverse effects, including eye irritation, vision changes, and allergic reactions.

What are Ophthalmologicals used for?

What are Ophthalmologicals used to treat?

Ophthalmologicals are used to treat a wide array of eye problems and conditions. Some common indications of medication for the eyes include: - Dry eye syndrome - Allergic conjunctivitis - Glaucoma - Inflammation and infection of the eye (e.g., conjunctivitis, uveitis) - Cataracts - Macular degeneration - Blepharitis - Refractive errors (e.g., myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism) - Eye injuries or trauma - Post-operative care after ophthalmic surgery.

What is the mechanism of common Ophthalmologicals?

Ophthalmologicals include a wide range of drugs for the eyes and eye conditions. The mechanism of eye medications varies depending on the specific drug and the condition being treated. Ophthalmological lubricants provide a moisturizing and protective film on the ocular surface, helping relieve dryness and discomfort. Anti-inflammatory eye treatments such as corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work by reducing inflammation in the eye, while antibiotics and antivirals work by killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria or viruses causing the infection.

In addition, some ophthalmologicals such as miotics and mydriatics work by affecting pupil size, while others such as beta-blockers and alpha-agonists work by reducing intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma.

Types of Ophthalmologicals

Ophthalmologicals are medications for the eyes used to treat a number of different conditions and symptoms. These treatments can be grouped according to their common purposes such as antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatory medicines, artificial tears, and antihistamines.

Antibiotics and Antivirals

Antibiotics and antivirals are a class of ophthalmology drugs that are used to treat bacterial or viral infections of the eye. The most common indications for anti-infectives are conjunctivitis (pink eye), corneal ulcers, eye styes, and blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid).

These eye therapies inhibit the growth and replication of the infectious agent, and so eliminating the infection. Antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones, inhibit the synthesis of bacterial proteins and interfere with bacterial DNA synthesis. Antivirals, like acyclovir and ganciclovir, work by stopping viral DNA synthesis and blocking the action of viral enzymes.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs used in ophthalmology are for reducing inflammation in the eye. These eye medications are commonly used for the treatment of conjunctivitis, uveitis, allergic eye disease, and other diseases.

Anti-inflammatory eye treatments work by inhibiting the production of inflammatory molecules such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, causing a reduction of inflammation and associated symptoms like redness, swelling, and pain. These drugs can be administered topically as eye drops or orally as tablets.

Antiglaucoma Medicines

Antiglaucoma medicines are a group of ophthalmologicals for the treatment of glaucoma, a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, leading to vision loss. The primary mechanism of these drugs is to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye - the most important risk factor for the development and progression of glaucoma. Antiglaucoma eye therapies either increase the outflow of aqueous humor or reduce its production, resulting in a decrease in IOP.

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are ophthalmological medications used to alleviate symptoms of dry eyes by providing lubrication and moisture to the ocular surface. The mechanism involves a combination of lubricating agents, such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or carboxymethylcellulose, and electrolytes that help stabilize the tear film and maintain the moisture on the ocular surface. Some artificial tears also contain preservatives to prevent contamination of the solution.

Artificial tears are indicated for individuals with dry eyes resulting from various factors, such as environmental conditions, excessive screen time, aging, certain medications, or medical conditions like Sjögren's syndrome. Dry eyes can cause discomfort, redness, itching, and blurry vision. Artificial tears provide temporary relief by lubricating the eyes and improving tear film stability, reducing symptoms of dryness and discomfort.


Ophthalmological antihistamines are medications used to manage allergic symptoms in the eyes, such as itching, redness, and excessive tearing. The mechanism works by binding to histamine receptors on various cells in the eyes, including mast cells and blood vessels. By occupying these receptors, antihistamines prevent histamine from binding to its receptors and initiating the inflammatory response. This helps reduce itching, redness, and other allergy-related symptoms in the eyes.

Antihistamine eye drops are indicated for individuals with allergic conjunctivitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva due to allergies. Allergic conjunctivitis can be caused by various allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or certain medications.

These medications can be found in various forms, including eye drops and oral tablets, with eye drops being the most common route of administration for ocular allergy symptoms. Allergy eye drops provide localized relief by targeting the allergic response in the eyes, without significant systemic absorption.

Mydriatics and Cycloplegics

Mydriatics and cycloplegics are ophthalmology drugs that dilate the pupil (mydriatics) and temporarily paralyze the ciliary muscle of the eye (cycloplegics). Mydriatics and cycloplegics are commonly used during eye exams, surgery, and in the treatment of certain eye conditions such as uveitis and iritis. They can also be used to treat accommodative esotropia, a condition where the eyes cross inward due to an inability to focus properly. By dilating the pupil and paralyzing the ciliary muscle, mydriatics and cycloplegics help to prevent or reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort during ophthalmological procedures.

List of common Ophthalmologicals

Ophthalmologicals are drugs for the eyes used for many different conditions and purposes. The following examples list the active components of common eye medications.

Antibacterials and Antivirals

- Ciprofloxacin (CiproCare™) - Tobramycin (TobraCare™) - Moxifloxacin (MoxiCare™) - Gentamicin (GentaCare™) - Azithromycin

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

- Ketorolac (KetroCare™) - Diclofenac (DicloCare™) - Nepafenac - Flurbiprofen (FlurbiCare™) - Bromfenac

Antiglaucoma Medicines

- Timolol (TimolCare™) - Latanoprost - Brimonidine (BrimoCare™) - Dorzolamide - Travoprost

Artificial Tears

- Polyvinyl Alcohol (PolyCare™) - Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) - Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) - Polyethylene glycol (PEG) - Propylene glycol


- Ketotifen - Olopatadine - Sodium Cromoglicate (CromoCare™) - Levocabastine - Azelastine

Mydriatics and Cycloplegics

- Tropicamide (TropiCare™) - Cyclopentolate - Phenylephrine - Homatropine - Atropine (AtroCare™)

Why are we a trusted manufacturer of Ophthalmologicals?

AdvaCare Pharma has been in the business of providing sustainable and affordable medical products for more than 20 years. Our investment in improving global healthcare means that our product range, including over 4,000 branded pharmaceuticals, medical devices, supplements, and veterinary products, is of high quality and compliant with stringent GMP guidelines and ISO standards. AdvaCare Pharma is a manufacturer of Ophthalmologicals, producing and distributing a range of eye treatments including eye drops, ointments and other medication for the eyes.

By aiming for high-quality, affordable products and customized market-specific solutions, AdvaCare Pharma provides the best value for our distributors and their customers. Having implemented a "vested supplier-distributor relationship", we work closely with our distributors ensuring a mutually beneficial outcome.