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- Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension
Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension
What is Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide?
Active Ingredients: Levamisole HCl, Oxyclozanide
Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension is a combination anthelmintic drug used for certain parasitic infections in livestock animals such as cows, goats sheep, and pigs. It is highly effective against a broad range of gastrointestinal worms and lungworms, including trematodes, bloodsucking nematodes, and larvae of Hypoderma and Oestrus.
This combination of two different anthelmintic agents provides a wider spectrum of parasite control. It is an alternative trеаtmеnt in саѕеѕ where rеѕіѕtаnсе has dеvеlореd tо оthеr аnthеlmіntіс medicines.
Levamisole is an imidazothiazole that belongs to the class of medicines called anthelmintics. It works as a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist. Levamisole is an anthelmintic agent that works by disrupting neuro-muscular transmission in susceptible nematodes. After administration, it rapidly induces paralysis in the parasite's nervous system, leading to expulsion from the host within 24 hours.
This medication specifically targets roundworms' nervous systems and does not affect their eggs. Its broad spectrum of effectiveness against various parasites, water solubility for easy administration, reasonable safety profile, and lack of teratogenic effects contribute to its successful use. The peak concentration of Levamisole in the blood is crucial for its antiparasitic effectiveness, given its mechanism of action, rather than the duration of concentration. Resistance to Levamisole is linked to reduced cholinergic receptors in parasites. At higher doses than those typically used for anthelmintic purposes, Levamisole can lead to immune-stimulating effects.
Oxyclozanide is a salicylanilide anthelmintic. It works by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation. This drug is used primarily to control fascioliasis in ruminants. It is used to fight fascioliasis in ruminants. It functions as a proton ionophore that specifically uncouples mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. This action interferes with the parasite's metabolism. It contains a lipophilic molecule that facilitates the transport of protons across membranes, particularly the inner mitochondrial membrane. While effective against adult Fasciola hepatica, its efficacy against cestodes is limited.
After oral administration, Oxyclozanide is slowly absorbed, with peak plasma concentration occurring approximately 13 hours later. The drug is primarily excreted via feces, predominantly through biliary excretion. Its presence in feces deposited on pastures can reduce the population of dung-feeding organisms, which leads to slower dung degradation. Oxyclozanide also persists in soil.
It is important to note that this formulation of Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide is for veterinary purposes only.
Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension is manufactured and exported by AdvaCare Pharma, a pharmaceutical company specializing in global distribution. Our focus on maintaining a high standard of quality has made AdvaCare a market leader in many countries.
Why are we a leading Levamisole + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension manufacturer?
AdvaCare Pharma is a GMP-certified manufacturer of Levamisole + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension for veterinary use. To ensure that our products meet and exceed our distributors' standards, we conduct routine internal and third-party facility inspections. As an experienced Levamisole + Oxyclozanide manufacturer, our highly skilled team of professionals offers comprehensive support that extends throughout the entire process, including document and registration assistance.
What is Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide used for?
It is used to treat parasitic infections caused by gastrointestinal worms and lungworms.
What animals can be treated with Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension?
This medicine is recommended for livestock like cows, goats, sheep, and pigs.
How is Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension used?
This medicine has been manufactured as a liquid suspension, which is intended to be administered orally.
How does Levamisole HCl help in treating parasitic infections in animals?
This drug has a neuro-muscular blocking action on the susceptible nematodes and leads to parasite paralysis. This prevents the worm from maintaining its grip. It has a selective toxicity towards parasitic nematodes and it also stimulates the immune response in some animals. This makes the recovery process faster.
How does Oxyclozanide help in treating parasitic infections in animals?
This drug disrupts the energy metabolism of the parasite by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. This inhibits the ATP synthesis which is needed for parasite survival and reproduction. It is mostly effective against liver flukes, but it can be also used for other parasitic infections depending on the susceptibility of the parasite to the drug.
Is only Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension enough to treat a certain parasitic infection?
It depends on the cause of the parasitic infection and the animal’s response. In some mild cases, only this antiparasitic drug can help in the treatment process.
Levamisole can contribute to faster expulsion of the roundworms from the animal’s body, while Oxyclozanide can be effective mostly in cases of liver flukes. Its efficacy also depends on the parasite's specificity. In cases of cestodes or other nematodes that are not susceptible to Levamisole, other drugs need to be included. The efficacy of the drug also depends on the infection stage and the parasite’s lifecycle stage.
Animals need to be carefully observed and if there is no improvement in the overall health status of the animal, other drugs need to be considered.
Can Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension lead to some side effects?
Side effects usually occur in cases of an overdose. This includes excitation, lacrimation, sweating, coughing, salivation, hyperpnea, vomiting, and spasms. If some of these signs are observed, it should be reported immediately to a professional.
Can Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension interact with other drugs?
This drug is generally safe and there are no serious reported side effects due to interaction with other drugs. Animals that are treated with other drugs or supplements should be carefully treated with this drug. Pyrantel, morantel, or organophosphates are contraindicated when the animal is being treated with this medication.
Can Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension be given to pregnant animals?
This drug should be given with caution in pregnant or lactating animals because there is a limited number of scientific evidence that confirms its safety. This drug should be given only if the benefits outweigh the risks. Treated animals should be carefully monitored when being treated with this drug.
How should Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension be stored?
This medication should be stored in a dark, dry location under 30°C.
Is there a withdrawal period after treatment with Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide?
The withdrawal time is 28 days for meat. The exact duration will depend on local regulations.
How much Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension should be given to cows?
The maximum dosage is 5ml per 10kg of body weight in cattle and calves. Do not exceed this dose.
How much Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension should be given to sheep and goats?
The maximum dosage is 1ml per 2kg of body weight in sheep and goats. Do not exceed this dose.
Refer to a veterinary doctor or pharmacist for guidelines on dosage.
Side Effects
As with all pharmaceuticals, some unwanted effects can occur from the use of Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension.
Common side effects may include:
- excitation
- lacrimation
- sweating
- excessive salivation
- coughing
- hyperpnoea
- vomiting
- colic
- spasms
Serious side effects may include: • allergy or hypersensitivity reactions
Most of the side effects occur in cases of overdosage. If owners notice any side effects, it should be reported to a professional as soon as possible.
For a comprehensive list of all possible side effects of this medication, consult a veterinarian.
Do NOT use Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension for an animal that: • has a known allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.
Gloves should be worn while handling this medicine. Wash hands thoroughly after treatment. Pregnant women should not handle this product. It should also be kept out of reach of children.
This drug should not be given concomitantly with pyrantel, morantel, or organophosphates. Owners should inform the veterinarians about any drugs that the animal is taking at the moment.
After administering this drug, strict hygiene protocols need to be implemented. Reinfection risks are high, and this requires clean environments for animals. Unclean pastures and housing areas can easily lead to re-infestation. Using effective disinfectants on farms is essential to prevent further infections.
This drug should be given with caution to animals with impaired hepatic function.
What are the most common animals Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension is used for?
Levamisole HCl + Oxyclozanide Oral Suspension is mainly used to treat a broad spectrum of gastrointestinal worms and lungworms. It causes an increase of the axial muscle tone which leads to worm paralysis. It is effective in treating the following:
- Trichostrongylus
- Cooperia
- Ostertagia
- Haemonchus
- Nematodirus
- Chabertia
- Bunostomum
- Dictyocaulus
- Fasciola (liverfluke)
Ruminant Animals (Goat, Sheep, and Cows) Parasitic Infections
In cows, goats, and sheep, this drug can help in the treatment process of roundworms like Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus spp., and Nematodirus spp. It affects the nervous system of these nematodes and leads to paralysis and expulsion from the digestive tract. It also helps in the treatment process of Fasciola hepatica which is a common liver fluke that affects sheep and goats.
Pig Parasitic Infections
This drug is effective in treating roundworms (nematodes) like Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum spp. (nodular worm), and Trichuris suis (whipworm). It is also helpful in treating Fasciola hepatica (the adult stages).

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